Lean Department is ISO Certified

A new added value was added to the record of the Engineering Contracting Company as it culminates its journey as a pioneer in the contracting field through the establishment of the flexible construction system that it started in 2018. It was approved by the British Standards Organization BSI and the International Organization for Standards ISO, as the first contracting company in the Middle East and North Africa that fulfills the requirements and standards required by ISO 18404 related to the criteria for implementation of flexible systems in the facilities and the person supervising the organization of the systems.


The company began to establish a unique system in 2018, which seeks to improve work practices and positively impact active construction companies. These principles contribute to identifying and reducing waste factors and thus enhancing value for the customer. A flexible structure is usually adopted by manufacturing companies. The Engineering Contracting Company succeeded in adopting these principles as one of the construction practices and was proactive in using them within this field. As a result, the Engineering Contracting Company (ECC) celebrated obtaining the ISO 18404 certification as the first contracting company to be granted this certificate in the Arab region, the Middle East, and North Africa.


Accordingly, the ceremony was held last Wednesday, corresponding to February 15, in the company's central building. It was attended by many personalities in engineering and contracting and representatives from BSI. In the group, Engineer Samer Abu Daqqa, in turn, gave a presentation wherein he talked about all the steps and procedures that he followed with his team, the challenges he faced, and the mechanism of overcoming them by following a systematic and elaborate plan, which resulted in the company obtaining this distinction and appreciation from ISO. The ceremony concluded with handing over certificates and taking group photos for the attendees.